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My portfolio of my software engineering projects demonstrating my technical abilities with tools like JavaScript and TypeScript.


Cover image of Zendō meditation journaling application

Technologies Used: React, Redux Toolkit, React Three Fiber, Quill, TailwindCSS

This project is a full-stack meditation journaling application that enables users to track their meditations and write their thoughts and affirmations using a beautiful markdown editor.

Laws of the Universe

Cover image of Lotus (Laws of the Universe) web application

Technologies Used: React (Next.js 13), React-Three-Fiber (R3F), TailwindCSS

This project is an eye-catching resource for learning about the spiritual laws of the universe, taken from esoteric sources like the Kybalion.


Cover image of OHKO profile page

Technologies Used: Vue, Nuxt 3, Directus CMS, Postgres, TailwindCSS

OHKO is a “one-hit knockout!“ content creation platform where users can signup, login, and create content related to anime and video games.


Cover image of Pomodaural

Technologies Used: React, TypeScript, Vite, TailwindCSS, Daisy UI

Pomodaural is a Pomodoro Timer + Binaural Beats web application that lets you enhance focus sessions by combining two popular productivity techniques.


Cover image of Pointblanks 3D Product Configurator

Technologies Used: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, Axios, React Query

This project is full-stack freelancing application where users can purchase and/or sell gig opportunities in the indie game niche.

Game Blurb Generator

Cover image of Game Blurbs Generator

Technologies Used: React (Next.js), OpenAI API (GPT-3), Framer Motion

This project is 3D product configurator that makes use of OpenAI to generate product designs on the fly.


Cover image of Amadeus Discord Bot Landing Page

Technologies Used: Vanilla JS, Node.js (Express), Discord.js, OpenAI (GPT-3)

Amadeus is a Discord Bot that anyone can clone and use for their own server. It is based on the Amadeus AI from Stein's Gate 0, and answers questions as the character from the anime would.